Musings and wisdom, both channeled and curated to bring peace and encouragement, hope and a way onward.
February 21st 2025
I have wanted to write this and put it out into the universe for sometime now, but I have been deep in my own processing; trying diligently to find true resolution with what my human perceives, and with what my higher consciousness and spirit has been revealing; where my ideological and truths truly are anchored, in addition to pairing what I’ve known, and what I’ve been speaking for many years now with what is currently unfolding in our collective. The times we are in our auspicious and multifaceted, a pulling away from cultural and societal norms and a dismantling of systemic forces that have always suppressed the most vulnerable; uplifting those who divide and conquer, exploit, shun and shame.
To act as though we are unaware that the very country we inhibit, are supposed citizens of, and whose lands we have always exploited is absolutely unfathomable to me to comprehend beyond seeing veils of ignorance that have been trauma bonded into our subconscious since the dawning of time. We are such an entitled species, and our ability to disillusion ourselves is that an all-time high. We are journeying into a pivotal moment right now, one by which we have to start to look around and discern the energies of those who either uplift, or exploit us. Who either come together in a truly grounded framework and aligned vision of creating a safe and free tomorrow, where everyone has a seat at the table and we are no longer at the mercies of those who care not what our future or the future of our children look like.
I have practiced in Colorado for the last eight years, practiced for almost 20 in Northern Florida where I was a part of many organizations, faith based groups, missions etc.,and have been working earnestly to build a collective of souls here in CO through nonprofit work as well. What I have witnessed however, is that by and large, through through many different systems, networks and groups of people, endeavors and attempts to create and affect positive change in this world there is a seemingly inherent inability overall for our people to come together and work towards a common, agreed upon goal. There is altruism, but then the ego creates a separation in vision. I’ve witnessed it all these years. I’ve practiced in many different capacities serving an entirely different roles and I think it’s how generational trauma also keeps our society, stagnant, and stuck in place. We resist the very things that will set us free. We become complacent in the illusion of safety provided by these organizations and systems outside of ourselves, and we are witnessing a nationwide shift so that we can see clearly that the illusion of safety and trust is changing exponentially day by day.
Where do we start, and how can we understand that we truly are one with all that we interact with, and how can we have the courage to break free and no longer allow engagement with those that have proven again and again do not have our best interest at heart? We build with those that do reciprocate, and can foster a community with the skill sets, resources and vision needed for change. It’s time that we link. I also feel that it’s imperative that we continue to utilize that energy to open the heart space to center and ground as much as we possibly can, as that is always our most precious directive and intention in this realm of existence. Staying clear and true, connected and listening to the ethereal parts of our being that are never ending and that will always lead us in truth and right action onward through prayer and contemplation, allowing greater spaces to be still. We have to start tuning inward in a greater capacity, by honing our inner voice introspectively with greater intention.
Those of us that are highly intuitive have been feeling this for years, and know that we are death doulas right now; but what I feel deeply in my soul and heart is that this death is not necessarily for the Earth, but rather for our own species. It’s time that we make a choice to move forward in a new kind of way, or we will not. We will self-implode, just like many other ancient civilizations did across humanities existence. It’s why our guardians and ancestors have been coming in greater magnitude and intensity for the last couple of decades, and why so many have woken to their intuition and are finding ways to hear clearly and channel their souls wisdom. If we do not heal ourselves, take greater steps to heal and support, connect with and repair our sovereignty with great Mother, then we will not continue on this plane of existence. So many are blinded by oppositional forces that have long sought to only serve themselves through their individualistic, primal frames of reference that relentlessly seek for power and control, and serve themselves greatly by keeping us apart and ignorant to our own inner power, dissociated from our own inner shadows. We fall for it almost every time, as unfortunately, generational traumas, familiarity and conditioning that serve patriarchal ways of being and societal norms are powerful catalysts to keep us stuck in place. There are numerous religious ideologies that also support these ways of being that are being brought to light right now. Look back generationally in your own families, it is very abundantly clear. There is a reason that we are all here right now, and it certainly not to be shutting down, feeling hopeless and isolating. Build with the trusted. Stand up and take your seat at the table. Mobilize and trust in highest good. The peaceful shall inherit the Earth. We have always known this.
This dismantling is requiring us to see very clearly how incredibly fragile and dysregulated not only our own bodies are, but also the very earth that we stand upon. These systemic organizations and societal norms that never really supported the highest good or equity for our collective anyhow are grasping because they know their time is ending. We are seeing how the literal bullies in the playground can walk into each of these arenas and dismantle them piece by piece if they have enough money and power to throw around, and that is all that they seek. This is why it’s all that you see. It’s not our true power, and it’s not like this is the first time, they’re just blatantly open with their exploitation because they have nothing left to lose. I’ve dedicated my entire career to social justice, public service and the healing arts, doing my part to help each of us to come together. I fully believe we are watching humanity wake up to what has been known for decades by those of us doing public service work and working in the darkest trenches of our society. There is always a darkness before the rebirth. This is inherently known. Those who are truly heart lead and do this work for the right reasons; those who actually affect positive change in our communities, and don’t just talk about it know exactly what’s happening right now, and also know that right now is the time to come together and visualize differently.
I worked as a teacher in early childhood education and public school systems, then in home care agency work, collaborated with hundreds of governmental and nonprofit agencies, then in hospitals and outpatient settings, with hospice, with the University of Florida doing psychiatric work and with countless agencies and entities that serve our most vulnerable populations here in the US. I will say it again, and I am sure several times that I hope reaches the heart space for some of you, as so many of us have been saying these things for years, and it has fallen upon deaf ears. We have to heal and come together, or we won’t. We are about to witness that exploitation roll out into every societal level, the pressure is rising for so many in our nation right now. And we’re going to see very clearly where each of us stand. This isn’t about the “other” anymore. It’s about each and everyone of us, and always has been.
So how do we heal, and how the hell do we come together and heal rifts that have been established to dissociate us since the establishment of this supposed great nation? We dig deeper. We look at our own areas within that we often repress and resist with ridiculous distractions and addictions to medias and channels of information that don’t serve anything but negative energy. We HEAL. We look at where we can connect with others that truly resonate within our current wavelength, as there is power and numbers, and we are intelligent beings that can absolutely resist and overcome what is currently occurring in the top hierarchies of our government right now. Do you not hear the defending silence of our Congress, our Senate, our governmental bodies that are here to supposedly keep us safe and providing checks and balances for all of our foundational securities? Is it really not apparent to you what’s been created and what has happened?
Connect with YOUR people, people. The people that you know can actually reciprocate and plant the seeds of transformation and a new way forward with you. To plan a seed is to have hope in tomorrow, and every time that we do, we manifest a continuation of rebirth and regeneration and a greater, sacred connection with great Mother as well. We are so much more powerful than we give ourselves credit. It’s time that we start to really tune into our inner compass.
Focus on your own locus of control, and where you do have power to create structures of strength for your family. Plan a short and long term financial strategy to the best of your ability that truly serves the highest good and needs of your family right now. Start simply, and allow it to be heart lead. Do not support corporations, organizations and entities that serve to uplift this current movement into what is blatantly clear to be a pulling away of the veil to show that we are being led into a dangerous, dictatorship focused platform. This has all been made possible through our chosen complacency, and a failure to have the consciousness or ability to prioritize our focus and to start looking at these arenas as a collective with a magnifying glass right now to regroup. When we’re aware of the layers of injustice, we will affect change because by and large, when we know better, we do better.
Plant and plan for a seasonal family garden or join a community garden if you are able, resource food locally around you for long term community support and work on keeping your money where it’s best utilized. These seem like small movements, but bring a huge support to our communities by creating a surrogate for our food systems that can evolve and be built upon, and to stop supporting entities that serve to further oppress, and push this machine into fruition. They have no power when they don’t have the money. It really is as simple as that. I don’t care which side of the fence you’re on, or which platform you come from but we all know that if we have less workers working our agricultural arenas, we’re going to have to take some of that work into our own hands to keep it affordable and to give power back to the people. When enough of us are pulling back financial supports that we’ve been gifting to these entities for as long as they have existed they will cease to exist. By planting those monies back into our families and local systems that we know actually nurture and support our foundations, we start to create our way back home.
Connect with your higher power, your spiritual communities, your neighbors and close friends. Engage and build with them; those that you know that you can trust that you’ve been building safety with for sometime. Lean in and discern, you know how to do this, our ancestors have been doing it for millennia. rebuilding, birth, life, death, renewal. We are composting right now, so that the seeds can be planted. You’ve been observing for years, and you know who these people of integrity are. Start to trust your gut and lean in.
They have kept the majority of us small, so that we did not have the space and time available to see clearly, to plan, to gather together as one. They kept us distracted and divided so that we could not come together and build. We have allowed that perpetual motion because of our own generational traumas that convince us of the impossibility of true unity and a healing as ONE, that these historical patriarchal systems and ways of being are the way, and that there’s something here to continue and hold onto. They aren’t, and we can’t.
Simplicity, earth based wisdom and coming together in an authentic and feasible vision is where it’s at. None of us know how long we have here, and none of us know in complete certainty whether the Earth, our great Mother or our species is headed for complete devastation. What we do know for sure is that it’s a complete potentiality, depending on which timeline we choose, and that we have to shift our lens. We are a powerful force when we come together in integrity, and with a vision to move forward and not allow ourselves to be exploited any longer. Continue to lean in, and be the good serving in your community where you can right now. That is always the answer. That is our way home. We always hold the keys.