Why is authenticity important in our lives?
Let’s think for a moment about our highest self, and what this ultimately means, we see that this journey to the truth is entirely unique for everyone, yet there are some universal experiences that appear to be common across humanity.
The first is our sense of self. Answering the huge question of who am I honestly and with intention? Developing healthy coping mechanisms, self-care practices and making internal commitments to continue to grow and become the best versions of ourselves is the beginning to self-discovery, and ultimately of beginning to find our answers to this question. Realizing our unique importance, and that this journey develops, is constantly changing and transforms continually throughout our lives also helps us to better understand ourselves and what we need to feel secure in who we are.
The second is our sense of belonging. This is a universal humanistic trait, our connectedness to others and the bonds created in addition to the impact of these connections on our lives and the lives of others can also help us to gain a greater understanding of what we value and need to feel that we belong and contribute positively to the world around us.
The third aspect that I feel is universal is a sense of life purpose. There are also a few questions to answer, such as: What is really most important for us to accomplish in this life? Why is this important to me, what significance does it hold, and what impact does my life have on others? It is perfectly okay to not have answers to these questions, as all are certainly developmental and again, transform and change throughout our lifetime. The point here is to begin to explore your reactions and intentions in these areas, your sense of self, sense of belonging, and ultimately your life purpose to determine in which ways we feel our lives are in alignment with these 3 areas and prioritize as needed.