Psilocybin has been known for centuries to be one of the most powerful catalysts of affecting positive change in shifting our consciousness states back to center, and increasing coherency within the heart space. Those that feel an inner calling to partake in this most potent plant medicine are embarking on tue journey to the conduit of great spirit within, and however that manifests and is channeled through each of us in both subjective and objective states of experiencing a greater understanding of connection to all that is, being in greater harmonization with your higher consciousness and related beliefs. Psilocybin can be facilitated in many different forms, including through microdosing and macrodosing. You can compare the differences between micro and macro dosing to taking vitamins or supplements for maintenance and supportive programming within the body versus consuming larger doses, such as when hyper focusing on certain problematic areas or diseases that may manifest within the body. Intentionality and formulating your own path on this journey is imperative. The chosen approach for each client is dependent upon many different variables and dynamics related to intentionality and areas of focus and healing to be optimized through the processes of immersing in this sacred medicine. At the wellness and residential centers downtown, holding space for these medicines is done in many different forms, including small group processes, one on one consultations, holding of space for sacred journeys, in addition to supplemental microdose planning, integration and longitudinal models of therapeutic, clinical support. As a practicing clinician in town for the past seven years with a masters degree in social work, an RMT with two decades of experience holding space in many different therapeutic settings and offerings, including individual, small and large group work, I am incredibly excited to begin bringing the inclusion of this potent modality to the forefront, and to provide my current and future clientele in opportunities to immerse in this most potent catalyst of change to empower from within.
To get started on indididual approaches beyond gifted microdose offerings, a psychological assessment must be completed initially to ensure that the desired approach or offering is appropriate and aligned with your intentions and areas of healing, as the ability to integrate and utilize effective forms of self regulation are key components. Those sessions can be booked online, and consist of an intake and psychological evaluation, assessment and formulation of a feasible treatment and overall wellness plan in response to your unique healing goals, also assessing the efficacy of that plan moving forward to ensure that you are receiving the guidance and support for your chosen initiation with psilocybin that is needed and tailored to your own healing journey. Small group offerings are usually completed with a 2-3 hour window, and larger macro offerings are usually completed within a 4 to 8 hour window concerning holding of space. One on one offerings in addition to small group offerings and day retreats will be facilitated at the wellness center, and longer overnight stays can be scheduled at our residential treatment center located less than 10 minutes from the wellness center downtown. There is no extra charge for overnight stays and related care, the only charge that you will ever receive are during times for the therapeutic holding of spaces for the journey that are agreed upon beforehand and curated as part of your treatment plan.
Psilocybin plant medicines are never charged for separately at the centers, they are an optional and alternative addition to the wellness offerings that have been available and thriving at the Sanctuary of Growth since establishing in Fall of 2016, and my offering pricing remains unchanged to ensure accessibility for all. Throughout the legislative processes as the state is working diligently with legislators in both OR & CO to provide trainings, parameters and guidance on establishing psilocybin treatment centers, I am following that guidance and from 2024 to 2025 I will be charging my normative, therapeutic rates for holding of all spaces to ensure that this most powerful modality is legal, transparent, feasible and attainable for all.
I am so honored and full of joy to be able to bring this catalyst of root source healing to the forefront, and I look forward to connecting with each of you very soon!
Journey onward!